Full version of the interview to Analytics India Magazine: Road To Machine Learning Mastery: Interview With Kaggle GM Vladimir Iglovikov.
This article is the full version of the interview with analyticsindiamag.com.
This article is the full version of the interview with analyticsindiamag.com.
The interview qas originally published at hackernoon: Interview with Kaggle Grandmaster, Senior CV Engineer at Lyft: Dr. Vladimir I. Iglovikov.
How Vladimir Iglovikov and Anton Karnoup climbed El Capitan
Started with the feedback for Albumentations, ended with an image search..
Feedback for the Albumentations Library.
Unified Sports Classification System.
About the birth and growth of the albumentations.
Many images, many masks, bounding boxes, and key points. How to transform them in sync?
Face detection, face recognition on 330 million faces at OK.Ru.
The importance of data augmentation
I wish I knew it when I was active at Kaggle.
List of non-fiction books that helped me why working at Lyft (2018-2021).
A list of books to boost your Product Management skills.
This article was originally posted at Medium.
Bad things happen. And sometimes it is not our fault.
Organizing ML competions is not hard. Still, companies do not do it well.
How Vladimir Iglovikov and Anton Karnoup climbed El Capitan